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Build converting Tailwind
CSS landing pages in minutes 🚀

The Tailwind CSS boilerplate to build landing pages
in minutes and make $$$

Tailwind landing page template 1
Tailwind CSS boilerplate template
Tailwind CSS and figma landing page template
Tailwind landingpage template 2
Tailwind CSS landing page

80% of the developers spend up to 30 hours building a landing page

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Tailwind CSS landing pages for IndieSpark

🌟 Figma Landing Pages

✔ī¸ 20 Landing Pages

✔ī¸ Editable in Figma

✔ī¸ Custom Graphic Elements

Tailwind CSS landing pages for IndieSpark

🌐 Tailwind CSS Landing Pages

✔ī¸ 20 Tailwind landing pagses

✔ī¸ Editable in Tailwind CSS

✔ī¸ Custom Graphic Elements

Product Hunt launch assets for Indie Spark boilerplate

đŸ˜ģ Product Hunt Launch

✔ī¸ Product Launch assets

✔ī¸ Fully Editable in Figma

✔ī¸ Product Hunt Gallery Images

✔ī¸ Twitter Banner Designs

From what I've seen of the code so far Shayan has put together some solid templates that should be straightforward to use and extend ⚡

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Scott Arnold
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â‚Ŧ27(one time)

â‚Ŧ57 (â‚Ŧ30 Off)

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✔ī¸ Tailwind Landing pages

✔ī¸ PH launch assets

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Figma + Tailwind

â‚Ŧ45(one time)

â‚Ŧ65 (â‚Ŧ20 Off)

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✔ī¸ Figma landing pages

✔ī¸ Tailwind Landing pages

✔ī¸ PH launch assets

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Shayan was able to craft
a ultra-modern stunning landing page

Esus | Founder @ProductizedHq

Product Hunt launch assets for Indie Spark boilerplate

The Spark!

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Indiespark landing page boileplate templates

Build products that stands out
in hours not days

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